
Pakistan Askari Riyasat authored by Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed

  Pakistan Askari Riyasat authored by Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed . Book review in comment box. PDF form.  English Version: Pakistan The Garrison State  Urdu version Pakistan Askari Riyasat authored by Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed  Pakistan Askari Riyasat authored by Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed PDF free download  Download   Disclaimer: All the credit goes to respective owner. We aren't the owner

Classification of Animals Based On Coelomates

 In this article the classification of coelom or you can say the classification of Animals on the basis of coelom is discussed. Credits : Image Source : Wikipedia -  Author: CNX OpenStax   Contents: 1. Protostomes 2. Duetrosomes Classification of Coelomates Coelomates are classified into two groups on the basis of development: 1. Protostomes  ii. Deuterostomes 1. Protostomes:  (Greek word proto means single or first, stome means opening or mouth) Those animals in which first opening in embryonic stages i.e., blastopore become mouth during the process of development are called protostomes. Characteristics: i. Mouth is developed by blastopore of gastrula during the process of development. ii. Cleavage of zygote is spiral and determinate. iii. Mesoderm is derived from anterior lip of blastopore.  iv. Coelom is developed by splitting of mesoderm. v. Central nervous system Lies on the ventral side of the body. vi. Its larva is called trochophore. vii. They are  biliterallypilot release sym

Coriander Flower. Benefits of Coriander

Benefits Of Coriander: Lower blood sugar level  Immunity boosting Antioxidants For good heart health For good digestion For good brain health May promote fighting ability against pathogens and so many other benefits All information are only for education purpose. The article is just for information purpose ONLY. (Not for any other purpose).

5+ Synonyms You Should Know

Commons Synonyms you should know about. Synonyms: Those words which have same meanings are termed as Synonyms. Following table contain some Synonyms: Words Synonyms 1. Amiable Warm-Hearted 2. Attire Clothes 3. Bother Annoy, Worry, Upset 4.Brute Beast, Barbarian 5. Ardour  Enthusiasm, Passion 6. Bizarre  Unusal , Strange, Weird Thanks For Reading this article. For other such interesting articles follow our website.

Bacteria MCQs

 Bacteria are smallest organisms. They are under prokaryote domain. They have many shapes. Some are rounded, rod and in helical form. This article is about the frequently asked questions on Bacteria. Q:1. Which of the following Bacteria shows pleomorphic morphology? a. Coryne Bacteria b. Seudomonas c. Streptococci d. Streptobacilli Correct Answer: a. Coryne bacteria To know about pleomorphic bacteria click on the below name: What is Pleomorphic Bacterium?? ⇒ 👈 Q:2. Which of the following acids helps the bacterial cell wall to retain it's colour while performing acid- fast test? a. Malic Acid b. Tartaric Acid c. Mycolic Acid d. Teichoic Acids Correct Answer: e. Mycolic Acid To know about acid fast bacteria click on the name below: Acid Fast Bacteria  👈 Q:3. Which if the following bacteria contain thin layer of peptidoglycan? a. Gram positive  b. Gram negative bacteria c. Both a and b d. Non of these Correct Answer: b. Gram negative Q:4. Bacteria possesses all the basic shapes EXCE

Basic Shapes If Bacteria

 Basic Shapes Of Bacteria: Bacteria exist in four basic shapes: 1. Rod Shape  2. Spherical Shape 3. Comma Shape 4. Spirial Shape

Acid Fast Bacteria

 Acid Fast Bacteria: Definition: Those bacteria which show resistant to decolourization by acids while performing staining procedures are called acid fast bacteria. Example: Mycobacterium.

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